
Hey! I’m B.

I'm the Squarespace customization geek behind all the resources you see on this site. I'm also the tea-drinking, pun-making and 90's sitcom re-watcher behind this Youtube channel.

Code, and particularly CSS, is my bread-and-butter (although I'm more of a sweets kinda person so I guess it's more like my cake batter) so much so that all my services – and even my small contribution to this book! – are focused on the topic of customizations.

So, if you were looking for a Squarespace coding expert, you just found one!

I knew exactly what to do. But, in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do
— Michael S.

A little bit of context

I crashed face first into the coding world in 2017

Ok ok, I wasn’t that dramatic.

But I have no other way to describe that moment since – after having majored in Biology (with a thesis in stem cells and polymeric scaffolds) and accidentally stumbling into the web design world through a Photoshop course – the chain reaction that eventually got me face-to-face with Stack Overflow threads and all the gibberish that I now understand as HTML, CSS and JS, felt very similar to the time I fell on my face from a hammock.

Luckily, I only needed Kleenex instead of stitches to deal with that first code incident so, in the end, it turned out to be a Bob Ross kind of accident.

Since then, I've been eating, breathing and dreaming CSS across hundreds of projects and these days I get to both coach and support fellow designers with the code on their projects.

What I do

I work on both big and small projects

From full website developments to laser-focused customizations and fixes (my main focus), I help both DIYers and designers tackle their Squarespace design ideas through coding support.

My most recent projects can be seen here.


I help fellow designers figure things out

Besides the inevitable tears and frustration that accompanied my coding journey in the beginning – and still do every now and then – that rush and pride that comes with nailing the code needed to achieve what you want can’t compare with anything else.

That’s why I not only support designers by taking the tasks they don’t have the time or patience to get to off their hands, but also provide the same level of in-depth explanation I share in my tutorials through the coaching I offer to designers inside the Club.

This way, those who want to get the best of both worlds – tackling client customizations/fixes on their own but with reliable support – can do so WITHOUT a long and painstaking process of frustrating trial-and-error.

//Let's make it happen!

//Let's make it happen!

So, knowing this…

How can can I help you?

If you're a Squarespace designer crafting your own coding journey, on this site you'll find all the support you need to take your skills to the next level!

You can start by checking some of my favorite coding tips here or jumping right into The Club.

And, if you're a designer or a DIYer that's not interested in the learning aspect but on the time-saving side of things, take a look at the different ways in which we can collaborate on your project to make your creative vision a reality.